Tuesday, September 7, 2010

So...How does this work?

Well, I had the grandiose plan to start this on my 29th birthday... It is 7 days later... whoops... I guess it goes without saying that I am a bit of a procrastinator.  I am new to this, so a little fear of the unknown is evident (that would be called an excuse).  I don't read blogs, I wouldn't consider me a blogger, I don't really know how to write them, so you will have to bear with me. 

The purpose of this "project" as I will call it, is to make the most out of the 29th year of my life, or at least document it.  Chances are good that there will be some rants and raves, to do lists, completely random topics, and so on... If you have any topics you would like me to "discuss", please let me know :)

As I learned this last year when training for my first triathlon, the more people you tell about something you are aspiring to do or a goal that you have, the more they will ask you about it, and overall lessens the chance that you won't follow through with that "thing".  I hope through this journey I will find some new things to add to my accomplishments list.

I guess in starting this, I should probably start a goal list...
1. The Pewaukee Triathlon in July 2011
2. Cook more often
3. Talk myself into going to the WAC (Wisconsin Athletic Club) more times than I talk myself out of it
4. Buy more shoes that are NOT for running, or that are flip flops
5. Travel some place new, perhaps on my own

I think that's a good start for now...or not... I don't know... Like I said, this is all new to me :)

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